Monday, November 14, 2011

going for it...

so... i've convinced chip to try going without animal products in our food for the next month. (excluding thanksgiving... and maybe a couple other exceptions) (apparently that's called flexitarian)

starting today. (yikes)

. just for fun
. we feel like the meat and dairy industries have gotten way out of control and we don't really want to support them.
. we feel like heavenly father did not intend for animals to be mass produced and consumed without even a thought of the animal that produced it.
. we've heard that there are many health benefits to eating plant-based foods and we want to see for ourselves.
. and i've always wanted to be one of those people that says, "oh sorry, i can't eat that because..."

we will probably be kinda strict this month cuz we just wanna see what it's like. but in the future i can see eating meat occasionally and also indulge in some cheese and ice cream here and there. yum. we just don't want to eat so much of it.

so some of you already do this and if you have any good advice or resources please share. and if any of you have any good vegetarian recipes... please send them along!

anyone want to try with us??

(a couple good videos that have caused us to even consider this: forks over knives, and food inc. and i've started reading a book called original fast foods and i really like it.)

and this picture was just cute!


Anthony and Rene said...

I know two people who know a lot about this :) ha ha ha....I think they are still at your house too:) Good luck! I am going off all dairy, I think Teo is allergic to it.

maryjane said...

I recommend drinking Yoo Hoo. It is chocolate water, and does not squeeze any cow teets to get it's yummy substance.

Whittron said...

sick, Mary... can you please make one comment in your life without using the word "teet".

Proud of you guys! You should read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle... it changed my life!

chip and bex said...

haha yes rene they are! and yoohoo will fit great into our diet! thanks mary. I'll look for that book whitney! thanks!

Cherish said...

wow, good luck. I eat dairy products almost all day! I would be left with nothing to eat. Although it would do me some good to eat more fruits and veggies.

Elizabeth said...

So does that mean no eggs? I could not do without eggs. Or cheese. I eat a lot of cheese too. Or are you just talking meat?

Quinn and Erin said...

there is a book/recipe book called The Kind Diet, it's all vegan recipes that are really yummy:) and yes, it was written by an actress (alicia silverstone) but she has a lot of great research and fun facts throughout the book that will motivate you on your quest! good luck!

also, the vegetarian times website has a lot of good recipes

also, quinn says hi:)

CheyAnn said...

You guys are awesome! We are veggie only people at this house too! Well.....most of time! I hope it's going well for you guys, we feel great not being on dairy and meat. Lots of almond milk, and lots of juicing! Keep me posted on how it's going.

Na said...

It's easier than you think. I have a few recipes on my blog and they are vegetarian. Good luck!