Thursday, January 19, 2012

some stuff

just thought i'd share.

a little bit ago, hattie emptied out the laundry basket and laid everything on the floor all nicely as "decorations" and then put a blanket over her head "like mary" and put a baby in the basket as baby Jesus. she's carrying the basket around the house. she just told me "hold this joseph" and then, "joseph, i found my lipstick"
it's so cute. everything lately, since christmas time, has been "mary and joseph." she was playing with barbies... mary and joseph... some little penguins, her crackers... it's so cute. she just loves the christmas story.

and then here's some pictures from last week

here's our family
hattie was being so funny. she didn't want her nightgown to hang down so i tucked it in for her. then she wouldn't untuck it. then she was standing really weird and posing with her belly out. we were laughing pretty hard.


Amanda Jane said...

I love that family picture it's such a good one!

Anthony and Rene said...

Oh I love that litlle Hattie girl! I hope we can come out and visit soon. We miss you guys so much. Saiji is also very obssed with the Christmas story. Everything is baby Jesus. The other day I brought Teo downstairs in his blanket and Saiji got so excited and stroked Teo's face saying...oh baby Jesus. I hope they never loose that, it is so cute.

maryjane said...

Oh Hattie... Like mother like daughter. I really miss you guys.

Cherish said...

How stinking cute is she. playing Mary and Joseph. I am sure joseph was relieved that she found her lipstick! lol
I love her stretchy pants!( have you seen Nacho Libre?)
I miss your family!